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Friday, November 11, 2011

Mowgli Land - Pench National Park-Madhya Pradesh

As the days passed by in the green city bhopal , my zeal and love  for animals and nature strengthened . Being in Forests area near Kaliasot Dam , I felt as if Tigers were my love and I have to do something to save them. It was the time when Ohio Police killed 18 Royal Bengal tigers and other animals. How such a mass murder could be allowed in such a mighty nation. Even though I was unable to ask the culprits, I tried to use the social media as much as possible to show hatred and anger .One day, while surfing through the internet I found Tiger Reserves in India as one of my hobby also included watching animals on you tube. I started spending maximum time searching for National Parks in India. And then,I came across Pench National Park near to 4 -5 hours journey from Jabalpur city. After some consultation and reading, I was happy to find Mowgli land nearby within my budget. The Pench National Park is located in Southern Madhya Pradesh in India, about 70 km from the city of Nagpur.

I approached my relatives in Jabalpur and finally planned a trip to Pench National Park. I took my camera and all other gadgets to capture the first glimpse of my love, Tigers. Photography, for all those who wants to be a photographer, my little lovely friends it’s the passion which breaks all the barriers and pushes you to learn in our country. Even though , technically you are unable to capture pictures but having a eyes which sees everything differently works. It’s the passion which took me to the Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh. Being an amateur photographer, I was very much excited and up in the clouds as I my wait to enter the wildlife and watch the Tigers was going to be True.
We started our journey on Friday morning at 6am and passed through scenic natural beauty of Madhya Pradesh .Needless to say the Heart of India has a spectacular beauty. You can find forests full of teakwood ( सागौन) glaring at you with a smile. My thoughts and joy went one step ahead to watch tigers running out from the Teakwood forests as we moved. We reached hotel Bageera Retreat in Turia village near the park at 12 pm as children’s kept on disturbing throughout the journey. One can get Resorts easily at different price slots. They charge Rs 1400 per day and you can even get at lower prices. Still, I was lost in my world and asked the hotel staff to take me near the tigers. 
He smiled and replied”Sir, you have to hire a safari vehicle and a guide”. Morning trip is better...More chance of spotting a Tiger than evening. We will arrange you a jeep and get up early queue up early for some form registration. Alright, I said.
I couldn’t wait being in the forest .But rules are rules .Somehow I managed to play with children’s and passed my night thinking of animals and forests.
It was 5:30 am as the safari vehicle arrived .
We left the hotel immediately and queued up to fill the form of rules and regulation and also to register our vehicle. No mobile phones were allowed in the park.. This was the moment I had waited so long and now into the wild. The forest seemed to be a fresh heaven with huge teakwood trees wearing silence. Within half an hour the forest became alive. Birds chirping and dears grazing could be easily spotted. It seemed as if they know you since long or you were just a neighbour who passed by. Most of deer family were busy taking breakfast .As we proceeded into dense forest ,our guide suddenly heard a alarm call .All the gypsy stopped and engines switched off. The frightening sounds of sambhar deer,chitals ,monkeys and peacocks could be easily heard .Time for a kill was near and we waited patiently.Suddenly ,Tiger roar was heard and our guide pointed out a Tiger deep into the jungle.But,tiger left the place as more vehicle approached towards us.We missed the opportunity.We moved ahead along with other vehicles.The next alarm call was heard near a water body.Our guide told us that last week tigers were sighted near this area.We were happy to hear that  but soon the calls became irregular and infrequent. I was really sad and upset.

My hope to watch Tigers was falling off.As we headed towards a place where all vehicles gather and tourists relax for a while .The good news touched my ears.Tiger show was on the cards .Forest department elephants have located four tigers . We enlisted ourselves for the ‘Tiger Show’,.
It was an elephant ride from a point on the roadside to the place where the tiger is. Normally once the sun is out,the tiger take shelter near water body.Finally was one on one with my love.I tried to click and capture as much I can.One month later still,my mind roam in the forests with the tiger I met.I can't come out of the glimpse of such a beautiful and amazing creature on earth.Now, I am planning for a Bandhavgarh trip.

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